....and returned, unscathed.
Well, not the Phillistines but the French.
As always, France was better than I expected, although in the south the public toilets in general leave something to be desired. Otherthan that, food, drink and weather were great.
Whilst I'm unscathed, during my week I heard from my brother who has managed to get himself run over by a coach in Central London and is now suffering from two multiply broken legs! Ouch!
This happened on Sunday 19th and yesterday they sent him home. This despite the fact that he can only manage about 5 steps on crutches before he falls over. Still, no point in him malingering when there are important government statistics to protect!!!! I'm off to see him tomorrow and must try to curb my natural tendency to make way too many "leg" jokes in his presence. He may have got my brains but I got his sense of humour.
Expect a rant regarding the stupidity of hospitals discharging people early in the next day or so.