It seems very strange to be typing an entry. I don't know why. It's been a long time. It might be because the muse has left me and can't get back due to lockdown. It might be because I have become an admin for a pretty active site and that takes up quite a lot of time. Maybe I don't have much to say but that doesn't normally stop me. Maybe I got in a rut. A new template is that what I need. So long since I wrote something that Blogger has changed it's interface. Again! When did that happen. And I'm using full stops and you probably think I'm being aggressive. Oh no, I forgot, you learnt punctuation at school and you are quite old so the sight of a black dot probably holds no terror for you. And I'm not wearing a mask whilst typing which I think is ok. Probably. I'm retiring by the way. End of this year. Maybe I will blog more then. Maybe I won't. But it seems very strange to be typing an entry. Now.