Wednesday, December 30, 2009

End of 2009

Well, unless anything momentous happens in the next 24 hours that's another year done and dusted. It's been a strange one. Most people seem to want to see the back of it. If there's something I wish I could have next year, apart from the obvious "lots of money" answer, it's energy.

I feel always to be tired. Don't know whether it's been worse since my op or I've just noticed it more. I went for 15 years without a proper holiday and survived it, but not going on one this year seems to have taken it's toll.

So whilst I'm on handing our gifts here's a few for my most loyal readers.

Elle - To have some respite from her illness so she can have a sustained period of feeling good.

Graybo - continued success with his business plus some of those items he's been coveting over the last 12 months.

Masher - The chance to fit another holiday in to his work schedule. I reckon you only got 15 trips away this year and that left you with a fortnight without going away at all at one point! :)

AJ - To manage to find a way to go back to University yet again. This working lark has never really suited you. :)

DG - And probably the biggest wish of all. That he could have his mum back.

Enjoy your plans for the New Year. I wonder what it has in store?


Masher said...

Annoyingly, work does seem to get in the way of my holiday schedule sometimes. ;)

It seems to me, that people are glad to see the back of just about every year as it passes. Maybe we only remember the bad times.

Anyway, I hope 2010 is a good one for you and yours, Dave.

(And you should make a New Year resolution to post more)

graybo said...

Well, I'm working on the basis that 2010 can't be worse than 2009, but actually, I'm not so sure. There are a bunch of things I haven't posted on grayblog that have been going on (Hels being made redundant, her father with rapidly advancing Parkinson's, her brother's engagement breaking up, her brother-in-law suspended from work on some grim allegations and a fairly low delivery rate on the coveted items), most of which look likely only to get worse in the new year. But, in a slightly Micawberish way, I am a firm believer that things tend to sort themselves out in the end, one way or another. Best wishes to you, Dave - may your windows be smear-free for the next twelve months.

kennamatic said...

Sorry to hear all that Gra, hope things do get better for you this year.