Sunday, September 22, 2019



Even I was beginning to think I might never blog again. You on the other hand were probably hoping I wouldn't.

Anyway, it is a note-worthy day. Yesterday we went to Ikea and bought 3 x Billy bookcases. (I think there is an international law, probably something to do with the United Nations, that requires everyone to own a Billy bookcase). So we bought three, not the plain white ones but one of the wood effect ones. So it cost more but looks less like a Billy bookcase.

Unbelievably, today, I have built all three of them. The Magnificent M cannot believe it. She was expecting them not to see daylight until at least the new year. And, I only got one shelf the wrong way round so there is a rough face.

Luckily it is right at the bottom so I don't think anyone will see but we might buy some facing tape to stick on. But she better not expect me to do that before the New Year. I'll be at least three months getting over this bout of DIY.


Masher said...

Well done on building the Billies.
We also have three wood-effect Billy bookcases... mainly full of CDs, but there are a few books too.

And well done on posting a blog at long last! Did you manage to remember your password? :)

Anonymous said...

Well done! Good to know that you are still around.