Saturday, May 05, 2012

Rested and Returned

Well there we go from 3 months blogging to nearly a week off.

I haven't done any "personal" blogging for nearly two months, so what's been happening.

Not a great deal so you haven't missed much.

I nearly got fired for poor sales, which would be fair enough, but they didn't. It might not make any difference anyway as I might have landed a new job. Having worked for an insurance company, a double glazing company and a bank I might be going to the other evil group, estate agents! I won't be on the selling side though. They need my skills in property management at the group headquarters. Assuming all goes well and I get it, it will be the first secure monthly wage packet I have brought in since 1983.

It's audition week for our next production so I'm throwing myself into the fray in order to give my public what they crave. I've decided to audition for three parts which is a bit stupid because I've now got three songs to learn instead of one. Heigh Ho.

Other than that there's nothing to trouble you with so that's it for now.


Masher said...

Good luck with getting the new job.

Estate agent, eh? That's pretty much in line with your previous employments. Do you not like having any friends then? ;)

Anonymous said...

That must be just better than being a traffic warden surely?

Good luck matey and enjoy the regular salary.

kennamatic said...

Masher - I've tried everything, I just can 't shake them off!

Toffeeapple - That's what the girl at my preliminary interview said. I told her that even I had standards!