Thursday, February 06, 2020

I Spy

Things on the side table next to me;

My two mobile phones, one attached to it's charger.
A glass of water in a limited edition Fuller London Pride glass.
My prescription dispensed two days ago.
A set of earphones
One of my two pairs of reading glasses in their case.
A small pile of assorted receipts.
A new Echo Dot which Google generously sent me for free.
A Box of Citalopram tablets.
My last two antibiotic tablets.
Two coasters.
Some blackcurrant Strepsils.
The Magnificent M's mobile phone, presently charging, but very slowly.
Some Anadin Extra Tablets
An unbranded glass of water.
Some dust.


Masher said...

Do you remember the I-Spy books?
They were all the rage when I were a lad.

kennamatic said...

Yes, me too.

Anonymous said...

"Do you remember the I-Spy books?
They were all the rage when I were a lad." I know exactly what you mean!

What - no bedside lamp or clock or radio? All important items on my bedside table.

Brennig said...

What's an I-Spy book?