Saturday, January 02, 2021

Thar' She Blows.

 The wind off the Pyrenees that is. We appear to be in the cold period. It was two degrees today. But not in the wind. That was about minus 85. I forgot how cold it could when the wind is from the South. I had a shirt, jumper and thick winter fleece on and it still got through to my skin. No snow yet and we rarely have some here but I suspect it will be close by. I think I need a fourth layer.


Masher said...

I wear four layers when I take the dog out, at this time of year. Thick layers, they are, too!
But I've still room for a couple more, for when the temperature drops down further... as it surely will.

Point of (non)interest: the first geocache I placed - way back in 2001 - was called 'Thar She Blows'.

kennamatic said...

Masher - Met the other English couple in the village earlier. They started going for a walk but the wind was too cutting and they turned back. -3 today.

I bet that cache is long gone.