Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Halfway There

The reason we choose Bourges to stay in because it is about 600km from home and about 600km from Calais and Eurotunnel so a pretty good halfwy stop. The woman on the desk of the hotl actually recognised us which was nice. The bonus today was the weather. We expected to travel in clousy wether with erhaps a little drizzle but instead had sunshine and the temperture just touching 20° which meant we had a mid-afternoon stop for an ice-cream. Not really what we wxpwct for mid-Feb

The other thing about the hotel is that we get to see French TV. We only have UK tele at home, although we are going to put French tv in as well this spring. French TV is worse than French music. They absolutely refuse to use subtitles so absolutey any UK or American series or film is dubbed very badly. And I mean very badly. No attempt at all to lip-synch. The quizzes are as simple as UK quizzes. They must be because I often get the answers right with my level of French. Someties I even beat the contestant which would be very embarrasing for them if they knew.

Anyway, early night for me. Qurter past nine and I'm ready to go to sleep. Not like me at all. I must be getting too old for all this driving.


Masher said...

I think we stayed in Bourges once, as a halfway point.

One of the worst hotels we have ever stayed in, as I remember.

kennamatic said...

Apparently the art of spelling has deserted me looking back at this post!

Frances said...

I was going to say that your speller checker has also gone on holiday ! Hope the rest of the journey goes OK.

Frances said...

PS. You need a proof reader. I will do it for a small fee!!

Masher said...

Guess you're having to post using a phone, like me.
Not easy, is it? 😟

Brennig said...

Spelling: The act of casting a spell

You ignore those armchair critics Dave