Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Decision Time

It's time to make a decision about what I do for work. Not from the point of view as to what I do about my present job, that's simple, commission only is not providing the money needed, but what to do next.

I fancy going back to work in an office. I last did that properly 30 years ago next year and a part of me has always missed that "working as a group" thing. Sales work, even as part of a team, isn't quite the same. The problem is whether I will find it all too restrictive. I'm used to pretty much doing what I want during the day, when and where I want to.

I also quite fancy estate agency, having worked in insurance and double glazing, it would be nice to get the hat-trick of most hated jobs.

What may be in the pipeline though is to help run a pub. There is a landlady I know of who is looking for a manager and I have an in. I'm aware of how much work is involved in the licenced trade but it is a bit appealing. A mix of office and admin work, some time behind the bar, and a chance to have input into how the pub is run. I think I might be having a visit on Friday to check it out. Watch this space!


Masher said...

Running a pub? Don't do it. It's fraught with anguish, despair and even danger.

I know this.

I've watched Eastenders.

Anonymous said...

You left out Traffic Warden in the list of most despised! Running a pub? I should hate to do it, all that drinking time wasted...

Good luck anyway!