Saturday, February 27, 2021


 The contents of my wallet are presently;

McDonalds Loyalty Card
Nat West Debit Card
Revolut Card
BNP Debit Card
Another BNP Debit Card
Carte Vitale Health Card
Axa Health Insurance Card
The French version of a EHIC Card
My French Driving License
30€ Cash
A Prayer Written by a Close Friend
A Euromillions ticket which didn't win but I haven't thrown away.


Masher said...

No dusty condom from 1985?

Brennig said...

I think there's about the same of stuff in mine

kennamatic said...

Masher - I don't think I was going to be lucky in 1985, or 6, 7, 8, etc

Brennig - There never seems to be much money in mine, I know that.