Thursday, February 11, 2021

Erotic Precarity

 "What?", I hear you cry.

Let me lay the background. I am an admin on a closed sub group of a group founded about that everyday tale of countryfolk, The Archers. Of the seven admins I am perfectly placed in the middle of the ages, three being younger than me but no-one less than 50 and three being older, but no-one more than 75. Pretty much the demographic you expect for the Archers listeners. We have a small WhatsApp group for the seven of us and this morning one of them was somewhat surprised to have received an offer to visit a talk on erotic precarity.

"What?", we all cried. I sensing a trend here.

So we started googling. It's actually a very interesting subject. Economic Precarity is better known, the idea being that within relationships, whether that is personal or commercial, both sides are dependent on each other for things to work out but there is a risk to both and not necessarily an equal risk. Erotic precarity is slightly misleading as it is to do with love and sex within a relationship and the balance of power/risk.

This got us thinking about other things. One of my fellow admins sits on a committee of the Methodist Church with regard to Exorcisms, she is the safeguarding officer. Now, I can see there is quite a lot of precarity in exorcisms. What I don't understand, is she there to safeguard the victim, the clergy or the demons?!

It's not all hay bales and Shires with us Archers fans you know.


Masher said...

So, are you all going to this talk, or what?

Brennig said...

As an aspiring writer, and with The Beetle's encouragement, I contributed to introducing and maintaining a running theme over several dozen episodes of The Archers

kennamatic said...

Masher - No, we are not that interested.

Brennig - Ooh that's exciting. Are you allowed to say what it was and how long ago?

Brennig said...

I was directly responsible for the introduction of equestrianism. I don't know if it's still carrying on, but for a country village to have no equestrian storyline was anachronistic. So I wrote scenarios which (chiefly) Caroline took forward (although Brian did have an affair with Mandy Beesborough when his daughter was at Pony Club).

kennamatic said...

Well, the good news is the equestrianism is still going strong. Indeed The Stables were a location for a scene this very week. Caroline is no more. She died some time back and Shula runs them, so 80% of the scenes she appears in are set at The Stables plus some other characters who ride are linked in. Your legacy is in good health.