Bonjour mon amis Masher and Brennig,
I am Georgette the cat of Dave and the M Magnifique. Zey ave gone out of le room so I ave taken the control of le keyboard. I am desolé about the writings of Dave. Zey are very boring. Not once as e talked about pilchards or le toy froggie zat I leurve so much. Ee does his best but he as not ze temperament Francais. Ze istory of Moliere and Victor Hugo. Ee reads the Enid Blyton and ze Dandy.
I am running zis house almost single-andedly. Ee seems only to manage destroy it yourselfs. Zey ave made a patio of earth and now ave decided to put ze slabs on it. How am I supposed to dig ze earth up if I cannot reach it. Paf!
I will keep training im but I think it is a cause of the most desperate kind. Merde! Zey are coming back. I must go!
Au Revoir until ze next time.
Bonjour Georgette!
Thank you for taking the time to write this - can't have been easy for you - unless French keyboards have much bigger keys.
Even if he is quite obviously, slightly loopy, Dave is a kind soul and you are lucky to ave im az... sorry, to have him as, your master.
Keep taking the catnip.
Bonjour mon petit chat. Do your owners 'speak' for you in that funny way? I bet they do
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