Thursday, February 07, 2019

All Change

When it's spring, a young woman's thoughts turn to moving furniture about. Well, an older woman who lives in Loupia does.

To be fair it was in response to a "problem" of my own making. We have two settees. A three seater which is where I tend to sit and a two seater which M normally frequents. My problem is that my settee is rather low, (they are not matching), and my knees are finding it harder and harder to hoist me upright. M's suggestion was that we just swapped settees. I, being the gentleman I am, said I didn't want her having to use the low settee either and we also have an armchair. So, for her to retain her settee and me to have the chair w needed to move all the furniture around, Setees went one way, then the other, chairs moved, rugs spun round, coffee tables angled. Nope, we didn't like it. On to lay out two. Everything moved again, Twice. We still didn't like the layout.

So we ended up putting everything back where it was and swapping settees. My knees are more comfortable, M doesn't mind her settee, and the cat is completely confused.

1 comment:

Masher said...

You can buy big plastic things that look like upturned flowerpots, to raise your sofa a further six inches off the floor. Puts a lot less strain on your knees.

I'm told.