Saturday, February 16, 2019

Tracks of my Years

It is highly serendipitous during the February Blogathon when completely out of the blue you are asked to take part in something on another website over the next 6 days.

So, as an Archers fan, one of the sites I belong to have started running a Tracks of my Years feature each week as per the Ken Bruce Radio 2 programme slot. And this coming week they have asked me to be the contributor. Now that could give me my next 6 posts, and it possibly will unless I can come up with something more interesting or, and this might happen, if I used the song in Brennigs blogathon the other year.

We shall see!


Masher said...

Or, it could be an opportunity to get the Aulde Shantymen on the electric radio!

kennamatic said...

I don't know about the electric radio but we will put something on the googly-youtube-watchy-listeny-mode-machine at some point. All the stuff on there doesn't include me so obviously not worth listening to! :)