Saturday, June 11, 2016

June Music Blogathon - Day 11

A Song That Is a Guilty Pleasure

I have a few I could put in for this category which is a bit worrying. The one I have gone for I always enjoy singing along to and is also the Magnificent M and my choice for a Karaoke duet. To admit that I sing along to this record or perform it in public brings looks of increduity, disdain or elicits a bout of laughter implying how anyone liking this could possibly show their face in public. Just for once I have little more to say other then grab a hairbrush and sing along to

Islands In The Stream - Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton

And just for the record I sing the Kenny Rogers Part!

Well, most times I do....


Masher said...

Crikey! Comes with a side order of cheese, that one!

Toffeeapple said...

I love that song! I also love Dolly P.

Brennig said...

Would you like extra cheese with your double cheese?