A Song That I Listen To When I’m Angry.
I'm quite partial to a bit of Eminem when I'm riled but there is one record that means more to me when angry than any of his.
Back in 1983 I locked horns with my branch manager when I worked for an insurance company in Birmingham. It didn't end well for me, not because I was in the wrong, but in those days the company involved felt it was necesary to back a manager regardless of the circumstances. For a month I was forced to go in and work in a seperate room so I had no contact with the other staff.
To start each day, I would get ready for work, and before leaving it would be on with the headphones, volume up high, and focusing on the day ahead. The song that prepared me for a new days fray was
Anarchy In The UK - The Sex Pistols
Ha ha. I had this on just the other day, whilst I was doing the washing up.
Mrs Masher walked in to the kitchen, muttered some expletive and walked straight back out again.
No taste, some people.
Now that, my friend, is an excellent angry track!
Masher - You and your punk lifestyle! I can't help thinking that the Pistols didn't envisage people washing up when they recorded that.
Brennig - Best played at 12, because 11 just isn't loud enough.
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