Friday, June 24, 2016

June Music Blogathon - Day 24

A song that I wish I could play on an instrument.

This is quite a difficult one because my lack of any real instrumental skills mean the answer would theoretically be everything. By the same token the answer is also nothing, because I know there is little chance of me playing it anyway, whatever I chose, so I never even think about it. Had the question been about something I wish I could sing, the list would be endless, mainly with operatic arias.And the one skill I wish I had was to jus sit down at a piano and play, just like they do in the films.

Having thought long and hard, I do have a contender. It's a guitar piece and one of the reasons I wish I could play it is because my younger brother could, and that's bloody annoying as anyone with a younger brother can tell you. I do feel I can claim some credit though for his skills as without me he might never have picked up a guitar. And in particular, my one. My electric one. Which one day I came home to find he had traded in to buy himself a 12 string acoustic. Without a by your leave mind you. Based on the fact that he didn't think I used it much so it might as well be used for something useful for him.

So, I would like to play Classical Gas by Mason Williams.

As long as I can play it better than my brother!


Brennig said...

Bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger!

Masher said...

Thank you!
Heard this before, obviously, but never knew what it was called.
Excellent instrumental.
I shall set out to learn it forthwith.

kennamatic said...

Brennig - So that would be bugger then.

Masher - I reckon by the end of this you'll probably have your own tv series. lucky you got the .tv domain!