Wednesday, June 08, 2016

June Music Blogathon - Day 8

A Song That Makes Me Fall Asleep.

The glib answer would be - pretty much anything by Yes. I tried to get into Prog Rock, and my brother would have Yes playing regularly but I never gelled with it.

The song I have decided to go with might make me go to sleep but I think it is really meant to liven things up in the bedroom department and it would certainly be top, or near the top, of my slow dance choices. I think it might be my age! I find it's like wrapping myself up in a big duvet and stretching out like a well-fed cat. Certainly, if I am having trouble going to sleep, I just run this in my head and I drift off on a fluffy cloud of contentment.

Sometimes I really worry about myself!

Todays Choice?

Move Closer - Phyllis Nelson


Brennig said...

I love Yes. Totally unable to sleep when one of their albums is playing within earshot. But yeah, that Phyllis Nelson song? That's a bit zzzzzzz.

Masher said...

Sorry: I would have commented on this earlier... but I nodded off.